Vitals Station

At Virat Diabetes and Endocrine Hospital, the vitals station is the place where patients have their medical history recorded, and their blood pressure, weight, height, pulse, and Blood Oxygen (SpO2) checked using the latest and most accurate equipment. The hospital uses FDA-approved devices to ensure that all readings are precise and reliable. The vital station is equipped with state-of-the-art electronic medical record (EMR) systems, where all patient data is securely recorded and stored in the cloud. This helps ensure that patient information is easily accessible to healthcare providers and that treatment plans are accurately and efficiently developed.

The EMR system also helps reduce the risk of errors in patient data entry, ensuring that all information is accurately recorded and updated in real-time. The hospital's commitment to investing in the latest technologies for patient care has helped improve patient outcomes and ensure that all patients receive the highest quality of care possible.


Virat Diabetes & Endocrine Hospital

SB Temple court Road, Beside St. Mary School, Khuba Plots, Kalaburagi - 585 102



For Appointments: 99004 77008 / 08472 229955

Emergency Contact: 72597 63151 | 7259765335