Pharmacy With Diabetes
Educator & Counsellor

The pharmacy at Virat Diabetes and Endocrine Hospital plays a vital role in providing patients with the medications they need to manage their endocrine disorders. The pharmacy is staffed with trained pharmacists who work closely with physicians to ensure that patients receive the right medications with the right dosage and at the right time. The pharmacy stocks a wide range of medications, including insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents, thyroid medications, and other hormone replacement therapies. In addition to dispensing medication, the pharmacy also has diabetes educator who help patients understand how to take their medications correctly.

These educators explain the dosage and times of the drugs, which is particularly important for rural patients who are less educated. Ensuring that patients understand how to take their medications accurately can significantly improve the effectiveness of drug delivery and help manage their diabetes and thyroid disorders. Overall, the pharmacy at Virat Diabetes and Endocrine Hospital is an essential part of the hospital's comprehensive approach to patient care, ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment for their diabetes and endocrine disorders.


Virat Diabetes & Endocrine Hospital

SB Temple court Road, Beside St. Mary School, Khuba Plots, Kalaburagi - 585 102



For Appointments: 99004 77008 / 08472 229955

Emergency Contact: 72597 63151 | 7259765335