Diabetic foot wears

At Virat Diabetes and Endocrine Hospital, patients with diabetes have access to a diabetic foot wear store that specializes in MCP foot wears for different diabetic foot problems. The store offers a range of high-quality foot wear designed specifically for patients with diabetes, including shoes, sandals, and slippers. The MCP foot wears available in the store are made from soft, breathable materials that help prevent foot injuries and provide maximum comfort. These foot wears are designed with extra depth and width to accommodate swollen feet and reduce the risk of foot ulcers. The MCP foot wears also feature cushioned soles that absorb shock and reduce pressure on the feet, making them suitable for patients with neuropathy or other foot problems.The staff at the diabetic foot wear store is trained to help patients find the right foot wear based on their individual needs and foot conditions.

They take measurements of patient's feet and provide personalized recommendations for the best MCP foot wear to support their foot health.Overall, the diabetic foot wear store at Virat Diabetes and Endocrine Hospital plays a vital role in preventing foot complications associated with diabetes. The availability of high-quality MCP foot wears designed for different foot diabetic problems, combined with the expertise of the staff, helps patients manage their condition more effectively and improve their quality of life.


Virat Diabetes & Endocrine Hospital

SB Temple court Road, Beside St. Mary School, Khuba Plots, Kalaburagi - 585 102

Mail: viratendocrinecenter@gmail.com


For Appointments: 99004 77008 / 08472 229955

Emergency Contact: 72597 63151 | 7259765335